today's clothes that i wore were a fashion disaster! hahaha. But. I don't care cause im just to lazy to bring shoes. Shall run and gym later to make up for wednesday. Heh. I want to go stronger because i want to win with my team. Don't wana let them down. =) Saw the want to win spirit in a few of them during ivp. Sorry if i probably didn't do my best but it would be my best this srrr. It's a promise. =] I hope fio remembers to bring my camera cause i need it on wednesday! Can't wait to upload the photos because i loved that full monsters picture. -grin. Sp's 3v3 sounds fun but there is a need to PAY! =(
saw juniors at canteen 2 yesterday. so coincidental. hee. debbie that
senior kept making funny faces. HAHA! so crazy please. Eh.. be honoured your name is here. LOL.
till then. 2 days to being happy. =D